Datum: 15.8.2022
Cookie Policy
Op de website www.astratex.be (hierna ook te noemen de "website") maken wij gebruik van cookies. In dit Cookiebeleid kunt u lezen welke cookies wij gebruiken, waarom wij ze gebruiken en hoe u ze kunt uitschakelen.
1. Wat zijn cookies?
Cookies zijn kleine gegevensbestanden die de bezochte website naar uw browser stuurt, die ze op uw computer opslaat en de cookies terugstuurt naar de website wanneer u deze opnieuw bezoekt. Cookies helpen om uw activiteiten en voorkeuren gedurende een bepaalde periode te onthouden, zodat u deze niet opnieuw hoeft in te voeren wanneer u terugkeert naar een website of van de ene website naar de andere gaat. Zij stellen Astratex in staat uw apparaat te herkennen en de website aan uw voorkeuren aan te passen. Astratex kan cookies ook gebruiken om de inhoud die op de website wordt weergegeven aan te passen voor een betere gebruikerservaring of, indien u daarvoor toestemming hebt gegeven, om gerichte marketingcampagnes te voeren. Cookies zijn persoonsgegevens. Gedetailleerde informatie over de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens vindt u onder de link Privacybeleid.
2. Waarvoor gebruiken we cookies?
Op de Astratex website ziet u bij uw bezoek een meldingsbalk (“cookiebanner”) die u informeert dat de site gebruik maakt van cookies. Het gebruik van zogenaamde essentiële cookies is noodzakelijk voor het functioneren van de site. Zonder essentiële cookies zal de site niet naar behoren functioneren, daarom is voor het gebruik ervan uw toestemming niet vereist en is deze categorie vooraf aangevinkt. Voor het gebruik van niet-essentiële cookies (analytische en marketing cookies) is in het algemeen uw geïnformeerde toestemming vereist. U kunt dan uw individuele voorkeuren voor cookie-instellingen direct in de cookiebanner selecteren.
- Te garanderen dat de website correct functioneert, zodat het bestelproces met zo weinig mogelijk problemen kan worden voltooid;
- Te zorgen voor het veilig inloggen, om gebruikers te authenticeren, om frauduleus gebruik van inloggegevens te voorkomen en om gebruikersgegevens te beschermen tegen toegang door onbevoegde partijen;
- De inloggegevens van onze klanten op te slaan, zodat zij deze niet telkens opnieuw hoeven in te voeren;
- De inhoud van uw winkelwagen te onthouden;
- Het uiterlijk van de website af te stemmen op de voorkeuren en wensen van bezoekers;
- Een analyse te maken van traffic, gedrag, voorkeuren en interesses van gebruikers;
- Reclame aan te bieden voor producten op basis van de voorkeuren van de gebruiker en de daarmee samenhangende personalisering van de inhoud.
U kunt uw toestemming voor het gebruik van cookies op elk moment intrekken of de verdere opslag ervan verbieden; voor details, zie artikel 4 van dit Cookiebeleid. Als u cookies niet zelf van uw apparaat verwijdert, worden ze binnen korte tijd automatisch verwijderd (volgens de huidige normen niet later dan een maand na het laatste gebruik van cookies waarvoor uw toestemming vereist is).
3. Welke cookies gebruiken wij specifiek en hoe?
Astratex gebruikt zowel haar eigen cookies, als cookies van derden voor de bovengenoemde doeleinden. Bij gebruik van de website van Astratex kunnen cookies op uw apparaat worden geplaatst door de exploitanten van de door Astratex gebruikte marketinginstrumenten. Het is ook mogelijk dat Astratex met deze exploitanten informatie deelt die met behulp van cookies is verkregen. Het gebruik van deze tools stelt ons in staat om het aanbod van Astratex voortdurend te verbeteren en ook om uw persoonlijke voorkeuren beter weer te geven, alsook reclamecampagnes te richten op diegenen die mogelijk het meest geïnteresseerd zijn in ons aanbod. Op basis van deze tools kunnen wij bijvoorbeeld kortingsacties op u afstemmen, gepersonaliseerde e-mails sturen, internetcampagnes opzetten, enz.
In het geval van samenwerking met ondernemingen uit de Verenigde Staten kunt u er zeker van zijn dat alleen ondernemingen worden geselecteerd die zich ertoe verbinden uw persoonsgegevens strikt te beschermen. Desondanks moeten wij u waarschuwen dat de Verenigde Staten een land is dat, volgens een uitspraak van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie, geen adequaat beschermingsniveau biedt voor persoonsgegevens. Dit houdt onder meer in dat overheidsinstanties in de Verenigde Staten het recht hebben om zonder effectieve rechtsmiddelen toegang te krijgen tot uw persoonsgegevens. Wij proberen altijd zoveel mogelijk gebruik te maken van Europese leveranciers, maar als wij een beroep moeten doen op niet-Europese derden zorgen wij ervoor dat uw gegevens buiten Europa net zo veilig zijn als hier in Europa. Daarom sluiten wij waar nodig met deze partners standaardcontractbepalingen (SCC’s) af en zorgen wij voor extra waarborgen.
De cookies die door derden worden geplaatst en het gebruik van de gegevens die daarmee worden verkregen, vallen onder het privacybeleid van de desbetreffende derden. Deze derden kunnen de informatie die zij via cookies hebben verkregen combineren met andere informatie die u aan hen verstrekt of die zij hebben verkregen als gevolg van uw gebruik van hun diensten.
Specifiek gebruiken wij de volgende cookies:
a) Operationele cookies die noodzakelijk zijn om de basisfunctionaliteit en -veiligheid van de Astratex-website te garanderen (verplicht)
- De correcte werking van onze website garanderen
- Om veilig in te loggen, gebruikers te authenticeren, frauduleus gebruik van inloggegevens te voorkomen en gebruikersgegevens te beschermen tegen toegang door onbevoegde partijen
b) Cookies voor analytische doeleinden
Deze cookies helpen ons te begrijpen hoe u onze website gebruikt zodat we op die manier de prestaties van de site kunnen verbeteren en de site aan uw behoeften aanpassen.
- Verwijzende URL
- Frequentie en duur van de bezoeken aan de subpagina
- Bezochte subpagina's
i. Google Analytics
Google Analytics is de webanalysedienst van Google. Deze dienst wordt voornamelijk gebruikt om kritieke fouten op te sporen en te voorkomen, om verzoeken tussen diensten te identificeren, om gebruikers ingelogd te houden en om gegevens van winkelwagentjes op te slaan. Het wordt ook gebruikt om de resultaten van e-commerce te meten en te verbeteren. De rechtsgrond voor de verwerking is uw toestemming.
c) Cookies voor reclame- en marketingdoeleinden en gerelateerde gepersonaliseerde content
- Informatie over tijd of plaats
- Apparaat- en browserinformatie
- Pagina-, product- en aankoopinformatie
- Persoonsgegevens (IP-adres)
- Informatie over tijd of plaats
- Apparaat- en browserinformatie
- Pagina-, product- en aankoopinformatie
- Persoonsgegevens (IP-adres)
- Applicatiegegevens
- Verwijzende URL
- Informatie over tijd of plaats
- Apparaat- en browserinformatie
- Pagina-, product- en aankoopinformatie
- Persoonsgegevens (IP-adres en e-mailadres)
i. Google Analytics
Astratex toont haar advertenties ook aan jou op websites en apps van derden. Wij gebruiken hiervoor Google Analytics om te bepalen of de advertenties echt op jou waren afgestemd. Om dit te doen, evalueren we de interacties die hebben plaatsgevonden nadat je op een advertentie hebt geklikt en welke resultaten die advertentie heeft gehad. Deze resultaten helpen ons vervolgens om de advertentie beter te personaliseren. De rechtsgrond voor de verwerking is uw toestemming.
De verwerker is Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ierland. Gegevens kunnen worden doorgegeven aan de Verenigde Staten als onderdeel van deze dienst.
Om u af te melden (opt-out): https://safety.google/privacy/privacy-controls/
ii. Google Ads
Astratex maakt gebruik van Google Ads. In het kader hiervan deelt Astratex sommige van uw interacties met Astratex (bijv. productweergaven, aankopen) met Google Ads om u gerichte en gepersonaliseerde reclame op Google en het Google Ad Network aan te bieden. De rechtsgrond voor de verwerking is uw toestemming.
Om u af te melden (opt-out): https://safety.google/privacy/privacy-controls/
iii. Facebook Pixel
Astratex maakt gebruik van de Facebook Pixel-dienst. Astratex deelt in dit kader enkele van uw interacties met Astratex (bijv. productweergaven, aankopen) om u gerichte en gepersonaliseerde reclame te tonen op Facebook-platforms zoals Instagram, Messenger of WhatsApp. Ze kan op deze manier ook de reclame evalueren en optimaliseren. De rechtsgrond voor de verwerking is uw toestemming.
De verwerker is Facebook Ireland Ltd. , 4 Grand Canal Square Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ierland. In het kader van deze dienst kunnen gegevens worden doorgegeven aan de Verenigde Staten.
4. Hoe kan ik het opslaan van cookies op mijn apparaat uitschakelen?
U kunt uw voorkeuren voor het opslaan van cookies op elk moment wijzigen. U kunt uw voorkeuren wijzigen door cookies in te stellen in de footer van de website. U kunt uw webbrowser ook zo instellen dat de opslag van cookies op uw apparaat wordt uitgeschakeld of geblokkeerd, met inbegrip van zogenaamde verplichte cookies en cookies van derden. Het is ook mogelijk om de opslag van cookies alleen voor bepaalde websites te blokkeren of toe te staan. Cookies die al op uw apparaat zijn opgeslagen, kunt u dan op elk gewenst moment verwijderen. Indien u de opslag van cookies, met inbegrip van strikt-noodzakelijke cookies, volledig uitschakelt, is het mogelijk dat de website niet naar behoren werkt en dat de functionaliteit ervan wordt beperkt.
U kunt hiervoor de specifieke procedure voor de meest gebruikte webbrowsers hier vinden:
- Chrome (https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=be),
- Safari (https://support.apple.com/nl-be/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac),
- Firefox (https://support.mozilla.org/be/kb/cookies-verwijderen-gegevens-wissen-websites-opgeslagen),
- Edge (https://support.microsoft.com/nl-be/windows/cookies-verwijderen-en-beheren-168dab11-0753-043d-7c16-ede5947fc64d).
5. Lijst van cookies
Noodzakelijke (operationele) cookies | ||||
Host | Naam | Levensduur | Type | Beschrijving |
astratex.be | fl | Session | First party | |
astratex.be | TPL | Session | First party | |
www.astratex.be | ASP.NET_SessionId | Session | First party | General purpose platform session cookie, used by sites written with Miscrosoft .NET based technologies. Usually used to maintain an anonymised user session by the server. |
www.astratex.be | __eedc | Session | First party | |
astratex.be | prs | 31 days | First party | |
astratex.be | _dc_gtm_UA-xxxxxxxx | Session | First party | This cookie is associated with sites using Google Tag Manager to load other scripts and code into a page. Where it is used it may be regarded as Strictly Necessary as without it, other scripts may not function correctly. The end of the name is a unique number which is also an identifier for an associated Google Analytics account. |
astratex.be | abtest | 60 days | First party | |
www.astratex.be | __rvt | Session | First party | |
www.astratex.be | screen | 1 days | First party | |
www.astratex.be | _mktr_kosik-CS | 90 days | First party | |
astratex.be | userCampaign | 1826 days | First party | user |
astratex.be | __gtf | Session | First party | |
astratex.be | bck | Session | First party | |
www.astratex.be | SERVERID | Session | First party | Usually used for load balancing. Identifies the server that delivered the last page to the browser. Associated with the HAProxy Load Balancer software. |
astratex.be | sessidat | 14 days | First party | |
www.astratex.be | __aa | 183 days | First party | |
astratex.be | __gts | Session | First party | |
www.astratex.be | _mktr_test_cookie | Session | First party | |
astratex.daktela.com | lang | 30 days | Third party | |
astratex.be | lastVisited | 30 days | First party |
Analytische cookies | ||||
Host | Naam | Levensduur | Type | Beschrijving |
www.astratex.be | _hjSessionRejected | Session | First party | |
astratex.be | _gat_UA-135671930-1 | Session | First party | This is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to. It appears to be a variation of the _gat cookie which is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high traffic volume websites. |
astratex.be | _vwo_uuid_v2 | 366 days | First party | This cookie name is associated with the product Visual Website Optimiser, by USA based Wingify. The tool helps site owners measure the performance of different versions of web pages. This cookie ensures a visitor always sees the same version of a page and is used to track behaviour to measure the performance of different page versions. |
astratex.be | _hjid | 365 days | First party | Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the random user ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. |
astratex.be | _utmv######### | Session | First party | |
astratex.be | __utmc | Session | First party | This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. It is not used in most sites but is set to enable interoperability with the older version of Google Analytics code known as Urchin. In this older versions this was used in combination with the __utmb cookie to identify new sessions/visits for returning visitors. |
When used by Google Analytics this is always a Session cookie which is destroyed when the user closes their browser. Where it is seen as a Persistent cookie it is therefore likely to be a different technology setting the cookie. | ||||
astratex.be | _hjTLDTest | Session | First party | When the Hotjar script executes we try to determine the most generic cookie path we should use, instead of the page hostname. This is done so that cookies can be shared across subdomains (where applicable). To determine this, we try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternatives until it fails. After this check, the cookie is removed. |
astratex.be | _gat_UA-898527-4 | Session | First party | This is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to. It appears to be a variation of the _gat cookie which is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high traffic volume websites. |
www.astratex.be | _hjIncludedInPageviewSample | Session | First party | This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit. |
astratex.be | __utma | 730 days | First party | This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. This cookie lasts for 2 years by default and distinguishes between users and sessions. It it used to calculate new and returning visitor statistics. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. The lifespan of the cookie can be customised by website owners. |
astratex.be | _gaexp | 9 days | First party | Used to determine a user's inclusion in an experiment and the expiry of experiments a user has been included in. |
_ga | ||||
www.astratex.be | _hjIncludedInSessionSample | Session | First party | This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the data sampling defined by your site's daily session limit. |
astratex.be | __utmb | Session | First party | This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. This cookie determines new sessions and visits and expires after 30 minutes. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. Any activity by a user within the 30 minute life span will count as a single visit, even if the user leaves and then returns to the site. A return after 30 minutes will count as a new visit, but a returning visitor. |
astratex.be | _hjFirstSeen | Session | First party | Identifies a new user's first session on a website, indicating whether or not Hotjar's seeing this user for the first time. |
astratex.be | _lb | 1290 days | First party | Cookie used for website search analytics |
astratex.be | __utmz | 183 days | First party | This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behaviour measure of site performance. This cookie identifies the source of traffic to the site - so Google Analytics can tell site owners where visitors came from when arriving on the site. The cookie has a life span of 6 months and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. |
astratex.be | _gid | 1 days | First party | This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google. It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited._gid |
astratex.be | _ga | 730 days | First party | This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports. By default it is set to expire after 2 years, although this is customisable by website owners._ga |
astratex.be | _gclxxxx | 90 days | First party | Google conversion tracking cookie |
astratex.be | _ga_767S5N5HBR | 730 days | First party | _ga |
astratex.be | _hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress | Session | First party | This cookie is used by HotJar to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie. |
script.hotjar.com | _hjSessionRejected | Session | Third party | |
script.hotjar.com | _hjIncludedInPageviewSample | Session | Third party | |
script.hotjar.com | _hjIncludedInSessionSample | Session | Third party |
Marketing cookies | ||||
Host | Naam | Levensduur | Type | Beschrijving |
astratex.be | _ranaCid | 5275 days | First party | |
astratex.be | __exponea_etc__ | 1095 days | First party | |
www.astratex.be | cto_tld_test | Session | First party | This is a Criteo cookie used to identify the visitor across visits and devices. This allows the website to present the visitor with relevant advertisement - The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. |
astratex.be | cto_tld_test | Session | First party | This is a Criteo cookie used to identify the visitor across visits and devices. This allows the website to present the visitor with relevant advertisement - The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. |
astratex.be | __exponea_ab_segmentation__ | 1095 days | First party | |
www.astratex.be | criteo_write_test | Session | First party | This is a Criteo cookie used to identify the visitor across visits and devices. This allows the website to present the visitor with relevant advertisement - The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. |
astratex.be | cto_bundle | 396 days | First party | |
astratex.be | _fbp | 90 days | First party | Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers |
astratex.be | __exponea_time2__ | Session | First party | |
yahoo.com | B | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Yahoo. The main business activity is: Search / Advertising |
openx.net | i | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by OpenX. The main business activity is: Advertising |
taboola.com | t_gid | 365 days | Third party | _gid |
360yield.com | tuuid_lu | 90 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Improve Digital, a company based in the Netherlands with offices in various EU locations. Improve Digital is itself majority owned by Swiss-based PubliGroupe. The company provides a technology platform to enable website owners to manage online third party advertising through their websites. |
hit.gemius.pl | Gtest | 395 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Gemius. The main business activity is: Audience profiling, marketing effectiveness |
360yield.com | umeh | 90 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Improve Digital, a company based in the Netherlands with offices in various EU locations. Improve Digital is itself majority owned by Swiss-based PubliGroupe. The company provides a technology platform to enable website owners to manage online third party advertising through their websites. |
lijit.com | ljt_reader | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Federated Media Publishing. The main business activity is: Advertising |
pubmatic.com | PugT | 30 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Pubmatic. It operates an advertising exchange platform where online publishers can sell targeted advertising space to media buyers using real time bidding. |
youtube.com | CONSENT | 6007 days | Third party | YouTube is a Google owned platform for hosting and sharing videos. YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites. |
yahoo.com | APIDTS | 1 days | Third party | TS |
adnxs.com | anj | 90 days | Third party | This domain is owned by AppNexus Inc. The company provides a range of online advertising technology and services. |
ih.adscale.be | tu | 363 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Adscale, a German online advertising business. |
youtube.com | YSC | Session | Third party | YouTube is a Google owned platform for hosting and sharing videos. YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites. |
doubleclick.net | test_cookie | Session | Third party | This domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchange |
yahoo.com | APID | 160 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Yahoo. The main business activity is: Search / Advertising |
pubmatic.com | PUBMDCID | 90 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Pubmatic. It operates an advertising exchange platform where online publishers can sell targeted advertising space to media buyers using real time bidding. |
casalemedia.com | CMPS | 90 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Casale Media. The main business activity is: Advertising |
static.criteo.net | criteo_write_test | Session | Third party | |
3lift.com | tluid | 90 days | Third party | This domain is owned by TripleLift, a USA based business providing programmatic native advertising services. |
admixer.co.kr | __id_utm | 730 days | Third party | |
udmserve.net | dt | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Underdog Media, a US based online behavioural advertising business. |
youtube.com | VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | 180 days | Third party | This cookie is used as a unique identifier to track viewing of videos |
criteo.com | uid | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Criteo. The main business activity is: Advertising |
outbrain.com | obuid | 90 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Outbrain, which describes itself as a content discovery platform. It provides technology to help distribute content targeted to individuals interests. |
360yield.com | tuuid | 90 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Improve Digital, a company based in the Netherlands with offices in various EU locations. Improve Digital is itself majority owned by Swiss-based PubliGroupe. The company provides a technology platform to enable website owners to manage online third party advertising through their websites. |
outbrain.com | rtbhs | 30 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Outbrain, which describes itself as a content discovery platform. It provides technology to help distribute content targeted to individuals interests. |
www.facebook.com | Session | Third party | This domain is owned by Facebook, which is the world's largest social networking service. As a third party host provider, it mostly collects data on the interests of users via widgets such as the 'Like' button found on many websites. This is used to serve targeted advertising to its users when logged into its services. In 2014 it also started serving up behaviourally targeted advertising on other websites, similar to most dedicated online marketing companies. | |
advertising.com | APID | 366 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Advertising.com (AOL). The main business activity is: Advertising |
media.net | gdpr_status | 185 days | Third party | Media.net is a global online advertising technology network. |
google.com | NID | 183 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Google Inc. Although Google is primarily known as a search engine, the company provides a diverse range of products and services. Its main source of revenue however is advertising. Google tracks users extensively both through its own products and sites, and the numerous technologies embedded into many millions of websites around the world. It uses the data gathered from most of these services to profile the interests of web users and sell advertising space to organisations based on such interest profiles as well as aligning adverts to the content on the pages where its customer's adverts appear. |
udmserve.net | rtbh | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Underdog Media, a US based online behavioural advertising business. |
doubleclick.net | IDE | 390 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchange |
adscale.be | cct | 363 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Adscale, a German online advertising business. |
pubmatic.com | KRTBCOOKIE_xxxx | 30 days | Third party | This cookie is used to correlate IDs with those of Pubmatic partners (such as demand side platform clients or other advertising technology companies). Pubmatic passes information stored by the partner in this cookie to the partner when it is considering whether to purchase advertisements. This enables the partner to make better decisions about whether to display an advertisement to you. |
udmserve.net | udmts | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Underdog Media, a US based online behavioural advertising business. |
api.exponea.com | xnpe_2c329c22-49b2-11ea-a888-3634d773acef | 1095 days | Third party | |
adscale.be | uu | 363 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Adscale, a German online advertising business. |
mail.ru | VID | 366 days | Third party | This domain is owned by the company Mail.ru., based in Russia. Although it provides e-communication services, it also utilizes personal data to show ads as it is its main source of revenue. |
bidswitch.net | c | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by IPONWEB and is used to provide a real time bidding platform for online advertising. |
yahoo.com | A3 | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Yahoo. The main business activity is: Search / Advertising |
analytics.yahoo.com | IDSYNC | 366 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Yahoo Inc. whose main business model is online advertising. Although this domain is associated with Yahoo's web analytics service, because these are third party cookies they can allow Yahoo, in combination with other cookies set, to collect data for targeted advertising purposes. |
bidswitch.net | tuuid_lu | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by IPONWEB and is used to provide a real time bidding platform for online advertising. |
bh.contextweb.com | INGRESSCOOKIE | Session | Third party | This domain is owned by Pulsepoint (formerly Contextweb). The main business activity is: Digital marketing, real time ad bidding exchange and audience profiling |
bidswitch.net | tuuid | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by IPONWEB and is used to provide a real time bidding platform for online advertising. |
1rx.io | _rxuuid | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by RhythmOne, A USA based targeted advertsing company which also offers cross-device user tracking services. |
sharethrough.com | stx_user_id | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Sharethrough, a USA based company providing an online native advertising technology platform and services. |
seznam.be | sid | 30 days | Third party | |
360yield.com | um | 90 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Improve Digital, a company based in the Netherlands with offices in various EU locations. Improve Digital is itself majority owned by Swiss-based PubliGroupe. The company provides a technology platform to enable website owners to manage online third party advertising through their websites. |
adform.net | C | 31 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Adform. The main business activity is: Real time bidding for display advertising to targeted audiences. |
adnxs.com | uuid2 | 90 days | Third party | This domain is owned by AppNexus Inc. The company provides a range of online advertising technology and services. |
casalemedia.com | CMID | 365 days | Third party | This domain is owned by Casale Media. The main business activity is: Advertising |
cm.mgid.com | mg_sync | 30 days | Third party | |
s3xified.com | admRtbUidCkey34334Ssp245 | 3650 days | Third party | |
sync.outbrain.com | cookieJartestCookie | 1 days | Third party | |
rmp.rakuten.com | Rp | 730 days | Third party | |
admixer.co.kr | __auid | 730 days | Third party | |
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